Source code for sharrow.dataset

from __future__ import annotations

import ast
import base64
import hashlib
import logging
import re
from import Hashable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow as pa
import xarray as xr
from xarray import DataArray, Dataset

from .accessors import register_dataset_method
from .aster import extract_all_name_tokens
from .categorical import _Categorical  # noqa
from .table import Table

logger = logging.getLogger("sharrow")

well_known_names = {

def one_based(n):
    return pd.RangeIndex(1, n + 1)

def zero_based(n):
    return pd.RangeIndex(0, n)

def clean(s):
    Convert any string into a similar python identifier.

    If any modification of the string is made, or if the string
    is longer than 120 characters, it is truncated and a hash of the
    original string is added to the end, to ensure every
    string maps to a unique cleaned name.

    s : str

    cleaned : str
    if not isinstance(s, str):
        s = f"{type(s)}-{s}"
    cleaned = re.sub(r"\W|^(?=\d)", "_", s)
    if cleaned != s or len(cleaned) > 120:
        # digest size 15 creates a 24 character base32 string
        h = base64.b32encode(
            hashlib.blake2b(s.encode(), digest_size=15).digest()
        cleaned = f"{cleaned[:90]}_{h}"
    return cleaned

[docs] def construct(source): """ Create Datasets from various similar objects. Parameters ---------- source : pandas.DataFrame, pyarrow.Table, xarray.Dataset, or Sequence[str] The source from which to create a Dataset. DataFrames and Tables are converted to Datasets that have one dimension (the rows) and separate variables for each of the columns. A list of strings creates a dataset with those named empty variables. Returns ------- Dataset """ if isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame): source = dataset_from_dataframe_fast(source) # xarray default can be slow elif isinstance(source, (Table, pa.Table)): source = from_table(source) elif isinstance(source, xr.Dataset): pass # don't do the superclass things elif isinstance(source, Sequence) and all(isinstance(i, str) for i in source): source = from_table(pa.table({i: [] for i in source})) else: source = xr.Dataset(source) return source
def dataset_from_dataframe_fast( dataframe: pd.DataFrame, sparse: bool = False, preserve_cat: bool = True, ) -> Dataset: """Convert a pandas.DataFrame into an xarray.Dataset. Each column will be converted into an independent variable in the Dataset. If the dataframe's index is a MultiIndex, it will be expanded into a tensor product of one-dimensional indices (filling in missing values with NaN). This method will produce a Dataset very similar to that on which the 'to_dataframe' method was called, except with possibly redundant dimensions (since all dataset variables will have the same dimensionality) Parameters ---------- dataframe : DataFrame DataFrame from which to copy data and indices. sparse : bool, default: False If true, create a sparse arrays instead of dense numpy arrays. This can potentially save a large amount of memory if the DataFrame has a MultiIndex. Requires the sparse package ( preserve_cat : bool, default True If true, preserve encoding of categorical columns. Xarray lacks an official implementation of a categorical datatype, so sharrow's dictionary-based digital encoding is applied instead. Note that in native xarray usage, the resulting variable will look like integer values instead of the category values. The `` accessor can be used to interact with the categorical data. Returns ------- New Dataset. See Also -------- xarray.DataArray.from_series pandas.DataFrame.to_xarray """ # this is much faster than the default xarray version when not # using a MultiIndex. if isinstance(dataframe.index, pd.MultiIndex) or sparse: return Dataset.from_dataframe(dataframe, sparse) if not dataframe.columns.is_unique: # if the dataframe has non-unique column names, but all the duplicate # names contain the same data, we can recover safely by dropping the # duplicates, otherwise throw an error. cannot_fix = False dupe_columns = dataframe.columns.duplicated() dupe_column_names = dataframe.columns[dupe_columns] for j in dupe_column_names: subframe = dataframe[j] ref_col = subframe.iloc[:, 0] for k in range(1, len(subframe.columns)): if not ref_col.equals(subframe.iloc[:, k]): cannot_fix = True break if cannot_fix: break dupe_column_names = [f"- {i}" for i in dupe_column_names] logger.error( "DataFrame has non-unique columns\n" + "\n".join(dupe_column_names) ) if cannot_fix: raise ValueError("cannot convert DataFrame with non-unique columns") else: dataframe = dataframe.loc[:, ~dupe_columns] if isinstance(dataframe.index, pd.CategoricalIndex): idx = dataframe.index.remove_unused_categories() else: idx = dataframe.index index_name = if is not None else "index" # Cast to a NumPy array first, in case the Series is a pandas Extension # array (which doesn't have a valid NumPy dtype) arrays = {} for name in dataframe.columns: if name != index_name: if dataframe[name].dtype == "category" and preserve_cat: cat = dataframe[name].cat categories = np.asarray(cat.categories) if categories.dtype.kind == "O": categories = categories.astype(str) arrays[name] = ( [index_name], np.asarray(, { "digital_encoding": { "dictionary": categories, "ordered": cat.ordered, } }, ) else: arrays[name] = ([index_name], np.asarray(dataframe[name].values)) return Dataset(arrays, coords={index_name: (index_name, dataframe.index.values)})
[docs] def from_table( tbl, index_name="index", index=None, ): """ Convert a pyarrow.Table into an xarray.Dataset. Parameters ---------- tbl : Table Table from which to use data and indices. index_name : str, default 'index' This name will be given to the default dimension index, if none is given. Ignored if `index` is given explicitly and it already has a name. index : Index-like, optional Use this index instead of a default RangeIndex. Returns ------- New Dataset. """ if len(set(tbl.column_names)) != len(tbl.column_names): raise ValueError("cannot convert Table with non-unique columns") if index is None: index = pd.RangeIndex(len(tbl), name=index_name) else: if len(index) != len(tbl): raise ValueError( f"length of index ({len(index)}) does not match length of table ({len(tbl)})" ) if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex) and not index.is_unique: raise ValueError( "cannot attach a non-unique MultiIndex and convert into xarray" ) arrays = [] metadata = {} for n in range(len(tbl.column_names)): c = tbl.column(n) if isinstance(c.type, pa.DictionaryType): cc = c.combine_chunks() arrays.append((tbl.column_names[n], np.asarray(cc.indices))) metadata[tbl.column_names[n]] = { "digital_encoding": { "dictionary": cc.dictionary, "ordered": cc.type.ordered, } } else: arrays.append((tbl.column_names[n], np.asarray(c))) result = xr.Dataset() if isinstance(index, pd.MultiIndex): dims = tuple( name if name is not None else "level_%i" % n for n, name in enumerate(index.names) ) for dim, lev in zip(dims, index.levels): result[dim] = (dim, lev) else: try: if is not None: index_name = except AttributeError: pass dims = (index_name,) result[index_name] = (dims, index) result._set_numpy_data_from_dataframe(index, arrays, dims) for k, v in metadata.items(): result[k].attrs.update(v) return result
[docs] def from_omx( omx, index_names=("otaz", "dtaz"), indexes="one-based", renames=None, ): """ Create a Dataset from an OMX file. Parameters ---------- omx : openmatrix.File or larch.OMX An OMX-format file, opened for reading. index_names : tuple, default ("otaz", "dtaz") Should be a tuple of length 3, giving the names of the three dimensions. The first two names are the native dimensions from the open matrix file, the last is the name of the implicit dimension that is created by parsing array names. indexes : str or tuple[str], optional The name of a 'lookup' in the OMX file, which will be used to populate the coordinates for the two native dimensions. Or, specify "one-based" or "zero-based" to assume sequential and consecutive numbering starting with 1 or 0 respectively. For non-square OMX data, this must be given as a tuple, relating indexes as above for each dimension of `index_names`. renames : Mapping or Collection, optional Limit the import only to these data elements. If given as a mapping, the keys will be the names of variables in the resulting dataset, and the values give the names of data matrix tables in the OMX file. If given as a list or other non-mapping collection, elements are not renamed but only elements in the collection are included. Returns ------- Dataset """ # handle both larch.OMX and openmatrix.open_file versions if "lar" in type(omx).__module__: omx_data = omx_lookup = omx.lookup omx_shape = omx.shape else: omx_data = omx.root["data"] omx_lookup = omx.root["lookup"] omx_shape = omx.shape() arrays = {} if renames is None: for k in omx_data._v_children: arrays[k] = omx_data[k][:] elif isinstance(renames, dict): for new_k, old_k in renames.items(): arrays[new_k] = omx_data[old_k][:] else: for k in renames: arrays[k] = omx_data[k][:] d = { "dims": index_names, "data_vars": {k: {"dims": index_names, "data": arrays[k]} for k in arrays}, } if indexes == "one-based": indexes = { index_names[0]: one_based(omx_shape[0]), index_names[1]: one_based(omx_shape[1]), } elif indexes == "zero-based": indexes = { index_names[0]: zero_based(omx_shape[0]), index_names[1]: zero_based(omx_shape[1]), } elif isinstance(indexes, str): if indexes in omx_lookup: if omx_shape[0] != omx_shape[1]: raise ValueError("singleton arbitrary coordinates on non-square arrays") ixs = np.asarray(omx_lookup[indexes]) indexes = { index_names[0]: ixs, index_names[1]: ixs, } else: raise KeyError(f"{indexes} not found in OMX lookups") elif isinstance(indexes, tuple): indexes_ = {} for n, (name, i) in enumerate(zip(index_names, indexes)): if i == "one-based": indexes_[name] = one_based(omx_shape[n]) elif i == "zero-based": indexes_[name] = zero_based(omx_shape[n]) elif isinstance(i, str): if i in omx_lookup: indexes_[name] = np.asarray(omx_lookup[i]) else: raise KeyError(f"{i} not found in OMX lookups") indexes = indexes_ if indexes is not None: d["coords"] = { index_name: {"dims": index_name, "data": index} for index_name, index in indexes.items() } return xr.Dataset.from_dict(d)
[docs] def from_omx_3d( omx, index_names=("otaz", "dtaz", "time_period"), indexes=None, *, time_periods=None, time_period_sep="__", max_float_precision=32, ): """ Create a Dataset from an OMX file with an implicit third dimension. Parameters ---------- omx : openmatrix.File or larch.OMX An OMX-format file, opened for reading. index_names : tuple, default ("otaz", "dtaz", "time_period") Should be a tuple of length 3, giving the names of the three dimensions. The first two names are the native dimensions from the open matrix file, the last is the name of the implicit dimension that is created by parsing array names. indexes : str, optional The name of a 'lookup' in the OMX file, which will be used to populate the coordinates for the two native dimensions. Or, specify "one-based" or "zero-based" to assume sequential and consecutive numbering starting with 1 or 0 respectively. time_periods : list-like, required keyword argument A list of index values from which the third dimension is constructed for all variables with a third dimension. time_period_sep : str, default "__" (double underscore) The presence of this separator within the name of any table in the OMX file indicates that table is to be considered a page in a three dimensional variable. The portion of the name preceding the first instance of this separator is the name of the resulting variable, and the portion of the name after the first instance of this separator is the label of the position for this page, which should appear in `time_periods`. max_float_precision : int, default 32 When loading, reduce all floats in the OMX file to this level of precision, generally to save memory if they were stored as double precision but that level of detail is unneeded in the present application. Returns ------- Dataset """ if not isinstance(omx, (list, tuple)): omx = [omx] # handle both larch.OMX and openmatrix.open_file versions if "larch" in type(omx[0]).__module__: omx_shape = omx[0].shape omx_lookup = omx[0].lookup else: omx_shape = omx[0].shape() omx_lookup = omx[0].root["lookup"] omx_data = [] omx_data_map = {} for n, i in enumerate(omx): if "larch" in type(i).__module__: omx_data.append( for k in omx_data_map[k] = n else: omx_data.append(i.root["data"]) for k in i.root["data"]._v_children: omx_data_map[k] = n import dask.array data_names = list(omx_data_map.keys()) n1, n2 = omx_shape if indexes is None: # default reads mapping if only one lookup is included, otherwise one-based if len(omx_lookup._v_children) == 1: ranger = None indexes = list(omx_lookup._v_children)[0] else: ranger = one_based elif indexes == "one-based": ranger = one_based elif indexes == "zero-based": ranger = zero_based elif indexes in set(omx_lookup._v_children): ranger = None else: raise NotImplementedError( "only one-based, zero-based, and named indexes are implemented" ) if ranger is not None: r1 = ranger(n1) r2 = ranger(n2) else: r1 = r2 = pd.Index(omx_lookup[indexes]) if time_periods is None: raise ValueError("must give time periods explicitly") time_periods_map = {t: n for n, t in enumerate(time_periods)} pending_3d = {} content = {} for k in data_names: if time_period_sep in k: base_k, time_k = k.split(time_period_sep, 1) if base_k not in pending_3d: pending_3d[base_k] = [None] * len(time_periods) pending_3d[base_k][time_periods_map[time_k]] = dask.array.from_array( omx_data[omx_data_map[k]][k] ) else: content[k] = xr.DataArray( dask.array.from_array(omx_data[omx_data_map[k]][k]), dims=index_names[:2], coords={ index_names[0]: r1, index_names[1]: r2, }, ) for base_k, darrs in pending_3d.items(): # find a prototype array prototype = None for i in darrs: prototype = i if prototype is not None: break if prototype is None: raise ValueError("no prototype") darrs_ = [ (i if i is not None else dask.array.zeros_like(prototype)) for i in darrs ] content[base_k] = xr.DataArray( dask.array.stack(darrs_, axis=-1), dims=index_names, coords={ index_names[0]: r1, index_names[1]: r2, index_names[2]: time_periods, }, ) for i in content: if np.issubdtype(content[i].dtype, np.floating): if content[i].dtype.itemsize > max_float_precision / 8: content[i] = content[i].astype(f"float{max_float_precision}") return xr.Dataset(content)
def from_amx( amx, index_names=("otaz", "dtaz"), indexes="one-based", renames=None, ): arrays = {} if renames is None: for k in amx.list_matrices(): arrays[k] = amx[k][:] elif isinstance(renames, dict): for new_k, old_k in renames.items(): arrays[new_k] = amx[old_k] else: for k in renames: arrays[k] = amx[k] d = { "dims": index_names, "data_vars": {k: {"dims": index_names, "data": arrays[k]} for k in arrays}, } if indexes == "one-based": indexes = {index_names[i]: "1" for i in range(len(index_names))} elif indexes == "zero-based": indexes = {index_names[i]: "0" for i in range(len(index_names))} if isinstance(indexes, (list, tuple)): indexes = dict(zip(index_names, indexes)) if isinstance(indexes, dict): for n, i in enumerate(index_names): if indexes.get(i) == "1": indexes[i] = one_based(amx.shape[n]) elif indexes.get(i) == "0": indexes[i] = zero_based(amx.shape[n]) if indexes is not None: d["coords"] = { index_name: {"dims": index_name, "data": index} for index_name, index in indexes.items() } return xr.Dataset.from_dict(d)
[docs] def from_zarr(store, *args, **kwargs): """ Load and decode a dataset from a Zarr store. The `store` object should be a valid store for a Zarr group. `store` variables must contain dimension metadata encoded in the `_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS` attribute. Parameters ---------- store : MutableMapping or str A MutableMapping where a Zarr Group has been stored or a path to a directory in file system where a Zarr DirectoryStore has been stored. synchronizer : object, optional Array synchronizer provided to zarr group : str, optional Group path. (a.k.a. `path` in zarr terminology.) chunks : int or dict or tuple or {None, 'auto'}, optional Chunk sizes along each dimension, e.g., ``5`` or ``{'x': 5, 'y': 5}``. If `chunks='auto'`, dask chunks are created based on the variable's zarr chunks. If `chunks=None`, zarr array data will lazily convert to numpy arrays upon access. This accepts all the chunk specifications as Dask does. overwrite_encoded_chunks : bool, optional Whether to drop the zarr chunks encoded for each variable when a dataset is loaded with specified chunk sizes (default: False) decode_cf : bool, optional Whether to decode these variables, assuming they were saved according to CF conventions. mask_and_scale : bool, optional If True, replace array values equal to `_FillValue` with NA and scale values according to the formula `original_values * scale_factor + add_offset`, where `_FillValue`, `scale_factor` and `add_offset` are taken from variable attributes (if they exist). If the `_FillValue` or `missing_value` attribute contains multiple values a warning will be issued and all array values matching one of the multiple values will be replaced by NA. decode_times : bool, optional If True, decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format into datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers. concat_characters : bool, optional If True, concatenate along the last dimension of character arrays to form string arrays. Dimensions will only be concatenated over (and removed) if they have no corresponding variable and if they are only used as the last dimension of character arrays. decode_coords : bool, optional If True, decode the 'coordinates' attribute to identify coordinates in the resulting dataset. drop_variables : str or iterable, optional A variable or list of variables to exclude from being parsed from the dataset. This may be useful to drop variables with problems or inconsistent values. consolidated : bool, optional Whether to open the store using zarr's consolidated metadata capability. Only works for stores that have already been consolidated. By default (`consolidate=None`), attempts to read consolidated metadata, falling back to read non-consolidated metadata if that fails. chunk_store : MutableMapping, optional A separate Zarr store only for chunk data. storage_options : dict, optional Any additional parameters for the storage backend (ignored for local paths). decode_timedelta : bool, optional If True, decode variables and coordinates with time units in {'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds', 'microseconds'} into timedelta objects. If False, leave them encoded as numbers. If None (default), assume the same value of decode_time. use_cftime : bool, optional Only relevant if encoded dates come from a standard calendar (e.g. "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian", "standard", or not specified). If None (default), attempt to decode times to ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible, decode times to ``cftime.datetime`` objects. If True, always decode times to ``cftime.datetime`` objects, regardless of whether or not they can be represented using ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects. If False, always decode times to ``np.datetime64[ns]`` objects; if this is not possible raise an error. Returns ------- dataset : Dataset The newly created dataset. References ---------- """ return xr.open_zarr(store, *args, **kwargs)
def from_zarr_with_attr(*args, **kwargs): obj = from_zarr(*args, **kwargs) for k in obj: attrs = {} for aname, avalue in obj[k].attrs.items(): attrs[aname] = _from_evalable_string(avalue) obj[k] = obj[k].assign_attrs(attrs) attrs = {} for aname, avalue in obj.attrs.items(): attrs[aname] = _from_evalable_string(avalue) obj = obj.assign_attrs(attrs) return obj def coerce_to_range_index(idx): if isinstance(idx, pd.RangeIndex): return idx if isinstance(idx, (pd.Int64Index, pd.Float64Index, pd.UInt64Index)): if idx.is_monotonic_increasing and idx[-1] - idx[0] == idx.size - 1: return pd.RangeIndex(idx[0], idx[0] + idx.size) return idx def is_dict_like(value: Any) -> bool: return hasattr(value, "keys") and hasattr(value, "__getitem__") @xr.register_dataset_accessor("single_dim") class _SingleDim: """Convenience accessor for single-dimension datasets.""" __slots__ = ("dataset", "dim_name") def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset): self.dataset = dataset if len(self.dataset.dims) != 1: raise ValueError("single_dim implies a single dimension dataset") self.dim_name = self.dataset.dims.__iter__().__next__() @property def coords(self): return self.dataset.coords[self.dim_name] @property def index(self): return self.dataset.indexes[self.dim_name] @property def size(self): return self.dataset.dims[self.dim_name] def _to_pydict(self): columns = [k for k in self.dataset.variables if k != self.dim_name] data = [] for k in columns: a = self.dataset._variables[k] if ( "digital_encoding" in a.attrs and "dictionary" in a.attrs["digital_encoding"] ): de = a.attrs["digital_encoding"] data.append( pd.Categorical.from_codes( a.values, de["dictionary"], de.get("ordered"), ) ) else: data.append(a.values) return dict(zip(columns, data)) def to_pyarrow(self) -> pa.Table: columns = [k for k in self.dataset.variables if k != self.dim_name] data = [] for k in columns: a = self.dataset._variables[k] if ( "digital_encoding" in a.attrs and "dictionary" in a.attrs["digital_encoding"] ): de = a.attrs["digital_encoding"] data.append( pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays( a.values, de["dictionary"], ordered=de.get("ordered", False), ) ) else: data.append(pa.array(a.values)) content = dict(zip(columns, data)) content[self.dim_name] = self.index return pa.Table.from_pydict(content) def to_parquet(self, filename): import pyarrow.parquet as pq t = self.to_pyarrow() pq.write_table(t, filename) def to_pandas(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert this dataset into a pandas DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame is always a copy of the data in the dataset. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return pd.DataFrame(self._to_pydict(), index=self.index, copy=True) def eval( self, expr: str, parser: str = "pandas", engine: str | None = None, local_dict=None, global_dict=None, ): """ Evaluate a Python expression as a string using various backends. Parameters ---------- expr : str The expression to evaluate. This string cannot contain any Python `statements <>`__, only Python `expressions <>`__. parser : {'pandas', 'python'}, default 'pandas' The parser to use to construct the syntax tree from the expression. The default of ``'pandas'`` parses code slightly different than standard Python. Alternatively, you can parse an expression using the ``'python'`` parser to retain strict Python semantics. See the :ref:`enhancing performance <enhancingperf.eval>` documentation for more details. engine : {'python', 'numexpr'}, default 'numexpr' The engine used to evaluate the expression. Supported engines are - None : tries to use ``numexpr``, falls back to ``python`` - ``'numexpr'`` : This default engine evaluates pandas objects using numexpr for large speed ups in complex expressions with large frames. - ``'python'`` : Performs operations as if you had ``eval``'d in top level python. This engine is generally not that useful. local_dict : dict or None, optional A dictionary of local variables, taken from locals() by default. global_dict : dict or None, optional A dictionary of global variables, taken from globals() by default. Returns ------- DataArray or numeric scalar """ result = pd.eval( expr, parser=parser, engine=engine, local_dict=local_dict, global_dict=global_dict, resolvers=[self.dataset], ) if result.size == self.size: return DataArray(np.asarray(result), coords=self.dataset.coords) else: return result @xr.register_dataarray_accessor("single_dim") class _SingleDimArray: """Convenience accessor for single-dimension datasets.""" __slots__ = ("dataarray", "dim_name") def __init__(self, dataarray: DataArray): self.dataarray = dataarray if len(self.dataarray.dims) != 1: raise ValueError("single_dim implies a single dimension dataset") self.dim_name = self.dataarray.dims[0] @property def coords(self): return self.dataarray.coords[self.dim_name] @property def index(self): return self.dataarray.indexes[self.dim_name] def rename(self, name: str) -> DataArray: """Rename the single dimension.""" if self.dim_name == name: return self.dataarray return self.dataarray.rename({self.dim_name: name}) def to_pandas(self) -> pd.Series: """ Convert this array into a pandas Series. If this array is categorical (i.e. with a simple dictionary-based digital encoding) then the result will be a Series with categorical dtype. The DataArray's `name` attribute is preserved in the result. """ if return pd.Series( pd.Categorical.from_codes( self.dataarray,,, ), index=self.index,, ) else: result = self.dataarray.to_pandas() if result = result.rename( return result def to_pyarrow(self): if return pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays(, ) else: return pa.array( @xr.register_dataset_accessor("iloc") class _iLocIndexer: """ Purely integer-location based indexing for selection by position on 1-d Datasets. In many ways, a dataset with a single dimensions is like a pandas DataFrame, with the one dimension giving the rows, and the variables as columns. This analogy eventually breaks down (DataFrame columns are ordered, Dataset variables are not) but the similarities are enough that it’s sometimes convenient to have iloc functionality enabled. This only works for indexing on the rows, but if there’s only the one dimension the complexity of isel is not needed. """ __slots__ = ("dataset",) def __init__(self, dataset: Dataset): self.dataset = dataset def __getitem__(self, key: Mapping[Hashable, Any]) -> Dataset: if not is_dict_like(key): if len(self.dataset.dims) == 1: dim_name = self.dataset.dims.__iter__().__next__() key = {dim_name: key} else: raise TypeError( "can only lookup dictionaries from Dataset.iloc, " "unless there is only one dimension" ) return self.dataset.isel(key) xr.Dataset.rename_dims_and_coords = xr.Dataset.rename @register_dataset_method def rename_or_ignore(self, dims_dict=None, **dims_kwargs): from xarray.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs dims_dict = either_dict_or_kwargs(dims_dict, dims_kwargs, "rename_dims_and_coords") dims_dict = { k: v for (k, v) in dims_dict.items() if (k in self.dims or k in self._variables) } return self.rename(dims_dict) @register_dataset_method def to_zarr_zip(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Write dataset contents to a zarr group. Parameters ---------- store : MutableMapping, str or Path, optional Store or path to directory in file system. If given with a "" extension, and keyword arguments limited to 'mode' and 'compression', then a ZipStore will be created, populated, and then immediately closed. chunk_store : MutableMapping, str or Path, optional Store or path to directory in file system only for Zarr array chunks. Requires zarr-python v2.4.0 or later. mode : {"w", "w-", "a", None}, optional Persistence mode: "w" means create (overwrite if exists); "w-" means create (fail if exists); "a" means override existing variables (create if does not exist). If ``append_dim`` is set, ``mode`` can be omitted as it is internally set to ``"a"``. Otherwise, ``mode`` will default to `w-` if not set. synchronizer : object, optional Zarr array synchronizer. group : str, optional Group path. (a.k.a. `path` in zarr terminology.) encoding : dict, optional Nested dictionary with variable names as keys and dictionaries of variable specific encodings as values, e.g., ``{"my_variable": {"dtype": "int16", "scale_factor": 0.1,}, ...}`` compute : bool, optional If True write array data immediately, otherwise return a ``dask.delayed.Delayed`` object that can be computed to write array data later. Metadata is always updated eagerly. consolidated : bool, optional If True, apply zarr's `consolidate_metadata` function to the store after writing metadata. append_dim : hashable, optional If set, the dimension along which the data will be appended. All other dimensions on overriden variables must remain the same size. region : dict, optional Optional mapping from dimension names to integer slices along dataset dimensions to indicate the region of existing zarr array(s) in which to write this dataset's data. For example, ``{'x': slice(0, 1000), 'y': slice(10000, 11000)}`` would indicate that values should be written to the region ``0:1000`` along ``x`` and ``10000:11000`` along ``y``. Two restrictions apply to the use of ``region``: - If ``region`` is set, _all_ variables in a dataset must have at least one dimension in common with the region. Other variables should be written in a separate call to ``to_zarr()``. - Dimensions cannot be included in both ``region`` and ``append_dim`` at the same time. To create empty arrays to fill in with ``region``, use a separate call to ``to_zarr()`` with ``compute=False``. See "Appending to existing Zarr stores" in the reference documentation for full details. compression : int, optional Only used for "" files. By default zarr uses blosc compression for chunks, so adding another layer of compression here is typically redundant. References ---------- Notes ----- Zarr chunking behavior: If chunks are found in the encoding argument or attribute corresponding to any DataArray, those chunks are used. If a DataArray is a dask array, it is written with those chunks. If not other chunks are found, Zarr uses its own heuristics to choose automatic chunk sizes. """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str) and args[0].endswith(""): if {"compression", "mode"}.issuperset(kwargs.keys()): import zarr with zarr.ZipStore(args[0], **kwargs) as store: self.to_zarr(store) return return super().to_zarr(*args, **kwargs) def _to_ast_literal(x): if isinstance(x, dict): return ( "{" + ", ".join( f"{_to_ast_literal(k)}: {_to_ast_literal(v)}" for k, v in x.items() ) + "}" ) elif isinstance(x, list): return "[" + ", ".join(_to_ast_literal(i) for i in x) + "]" elif isinstance(x, tuple): return "(" + ", ".join(_to_ast_literal(i) for i in x) + ")" elif isinstance(x, pd.Index): return _to_ast_literal(x.to_list()) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return _to_ast_literal(list(x)) else: return repr(x) def _to_evalable_string(x): if x is None: return " < None > " elif x is True: return " < True > " elif x is False: return " < False > " else: return f" {_to_ast_literal(x)} " def _from_evalable_string(x): if isinstance(x, str): # if x.startswith(" {") and x.endswith("} "): # return ast.literal_eval(x[1:-1]) if x == " < None > ": return None if x == " < True > ": return True if x == " < False > ": return False if x.startswith(" ") and x.endswith(" "): try: return ast.literal_eval(x.strip(" ")) except Exception: print(x) raise else: return x @register_dataset_method def to_zarr_with_attr(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Write dataset contents to a zarr group. Parameters ---------- store : MutableMapping, str or Path, optional Store or path to directory in file system. If given with a "" extension, and keyword arguments limited to 'mode' and 'compression', then a ZipStore will be created, populated, and then immediately closed. chunk_store : MutableMapping, str or Path, optional Store or path to directory in file system only for Zarr array chunks. Requires zarr-python v2.4.0 or later. mode : {"w", "w-", "a", None}, optional Persistence mode: "w" means create (overwrite if exists); "w-" means create (fail if exists); "a" means override existing variables (create if does not exist). If ``append_dim`` is set, ``mode`` can be omitted as it is internally set to ``"a"``. Otherwise, ``mode`` will default to `w-` if not set. synchronizer : object, optional Zarr array synchronizer. group : str, optional Group path. (a.k.a. `path` in zarr terminology.) encoding : dict, optional Nested dictionary with variable names as keys and dictionaries of variable specific encodings as values, e.g., ``{"my_variable": {"dtype": "int16", "scale_factor": 0.1,}, ...}`` compute : bool, optional If True write array data immediately, otherwise return a ``dask.delayed.Delayed`` object that can be computed to write array data later. Metadata is always updated eagerly. consolidated : bool, optional If True, apply zarr's `consolidate_metadata` function to the store after writing metadata. append_dim : hashable, optional If set, the dimension along which the data will be appended. All other dimensions on overriden variables must remain the same size. region : dict, optional Optional mapping from dimension names to integer slices along dataset dimensions to indicate the region of existing zarr array(s) in which to write this dataset's data. For example, ``{'x': slice(0, 1000), 'y': slice(10000, 11000)}`` would indicate that values should be written to the region ``0:1000`` along ``x`` and ``10000:11000`` along ``y``. Two restrictions apply to the use of ``region``: - If ``region`` is set, _all_ variables in a dataset must have at least one dimension in common with the region. Other variables should be written in a separate call to ``to_zarr()``. - Dimensions cannot be included in both ``region`` and ``append_dim`` at the same time. To create empty arrays to fill in with ``region``, use a separate call to ``to_zarr()`` with ``compute=False``. See "Appending to existing Zarr stores" in the reference documentation for full details. compression : int, optional Only used for "" files. By default zarr uses blosc compression for chunks, so adding another layer of compression here is typically redundant. References ---------- Notes ----- Zarr chunking behavior: If chunks are found in the encoding argument or attribute corresponding to any DataArray, those chunks are used. If a DataArray is a dask array, it is written with those chunks. If not other chunks are found, Zarr uses its own heuristics to choose automatic chunk sizes. """ obj = self.copy() for k in self: attrs = {} for aname, avalue in self[k].attrs.items(): attrs[aname] = _to_evalable_string(avalue) obj[k] = self[k].assign_attrs(attrs) if hasattr(self, "coords"): for k in self.coords: attrs = {} for aname, avalue in self.coords[k].attrs.items(): attrs[aname] = _to_evalable_string(avalue) obj.coords[k] = self.coords[k].assign_attrs(attrs) attrs = {} for aname, avalue in self.attrs.items(): attrs[aname] = _to_evalable_string(avalue) obj = obj.assign_attrs(attrs) return obj.to_zarr(*args, **kwargs) @register_dataset_method def to_table(self): """ Convert dataset contents to a pyarrow Table. This dataset must not contain more than one dimension. """ assert isinstance(self, Dataset) if len(self.dims) != 1: raise ValueError("Only 1-dim datasets can be converted to tables") import pyarrow as pa from .relationships import sparse_array_type def to_numpy(var): """Coerces wrapped data to numpy and returns a numpy.ndarray.""" data = if hasattr(data, "chunks"): data = data.compute() if isinstance(data, sparse_array_type): data = data.todense() return np.asarray(data) pydict = {} for i in self.variables: dictionary = self[i].attrs.get("DICTIONARY", None) if dictionary is not None: pydict[i] = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays( to_numpy(self[i]), dictionary, ) else: pydict[i] = pa.array(to_numpy(self[i])) return pa.Table.from_pydict(pydict) @register_dataset_method def select_and_rename(self, name_dict=None, **names): """ Select and rename variables from this Dataset. Parameters ---------- name_dict, **names: dict The keys or keyword arguments give the current names of the variables that will be selected out of this Dataset. The values give the new names of the same variables in the resulting Dataset. Returns ------- Dataset """ if name_dict is None: name_dict = names else: name_dict.update(names) return self[list(name_dict.keys())].rename(name_dict) @register_dataset_method def max_float_precision(self, p=32): """ Set the maximum precision for floating point values. This modifies the Dataset in-place. Parameters ---------- p : {64, 32, 16} The max precision to set. Returns ------- self """ for i in self: if np.issubdtype(self[i].dtype, np.floating): if self[i].dtype.itemsize > p / 8: self[i] = self[i].astype(f"float{p}") return self @register_dataset_method def interchange_dims(self, dim1, dim2): """ Rename a pair of dimensions by swapping their names. Parameters ---------- dim1, dim2 : str The names of the two dimensions to swap. Returns ------- Dataset """ p21 = "PLACEHOLD21" p12 = "PLACEHOLD12" s1 = {dim1: p12, dim2: p21} s2 = {p12: dim2, p21: dim1} rv = {} vr = {} if dim1 in self.variables: rv[dim1] = p12 vr[p12] = dim2 if dim2 in self.variables: rv[dim2] = p21 vr[p21] = dim1 return self.rename_dims(s1).rename_vars(rv).rename_dims(s2).rename_vars(vr)
[docs] def from_named_objects(*args): """ Create a Dataset by populating it with named objects. A mapping of names to values is first created, and then that mapping is used in the standard constructor to initialize a Dataset. Parameters ---------- *args : Any A collection of objects, each exposing a `name` attribute. Returns ------- Dataset """ objs = {} for n, a in enumerate(args): try: name = except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f"argument {n} has no name") from None if name is None: raise ValueError(f"the name for argument {n} is None") objs[name] = a return xr.Dataset(objs)
@register_dataset_method def ensure_integer(dataset, names, bitwidth=32, inplace=False): """ Convert dataset variables to integers, if they are not already integers. Parameters ---------- names : Iterable[str] Variable names in this dataset to convert. bitwidth : int, default 32 Bit width of integers that are created when a conversion is made. Note that variables that are already integer are not modified, even if their bit width differs from this. inplace : bool, default False Whether to make the conversion in-place on this Dataset, or return a copy. Returns ------- Dataset """ if inplace: result = dataset else: result = dataset.copy() for name in names: if name not in result: continue if not np.issubdtype(result[name].dtype, np.integer): result[name] = result[name].astype(f"int{bitwidth}") if not inplace: return result def filter_name_tokens(expr, matchable_names=None): name_tokens = extract_all_name_tokens(expr) name_tokens -= {"_args", "_inputs", "_outputs", "np"} name_tokens -= well_known_names if matchable_names: name_tokens &= matchable_names return name_tokens def _dyno(k, v): if isinstance(v, str) and v[0] == "@": return f"__dynamic_{k}{v}" elif v is None: return f"__dynamic_{k}" else: return v def _flip_flop_def(v): if "# sharrow:" in v: return v.split("# sharrow:", 1)[1].strip() else: return v