
The default operation of ActivitySim is to attempt to run simulations in each component for that component’s entire pool of choosers in a single operation. This allows for efficient use of vectorization to speed up computations, but can also lead to memory issues if the pool of choosers is too large. This is particularly a problem in interaction-type models, where a large pool of choosers is faced with a large set of alternatives.

ActivitySim includes the ability to “chunk” these model components into more manageable sized groups of choosers, which can be processed one chunk at a time. There is a small overhead associated with chunking, but if the total number of chunks is relatively small, the overhead is usually outweighed by the benefits in reduced memory usage.

Chunking can be used in two ways in ActivitySim: dynamic and explicit. Dynamic chunking is the original chunking system in ActivitySim, and it remains available to support users already familiar with it. It is designed to strive for optimal chunk sizes, but is complicated to use. Explicit chunking is simpler to use and understand, and is recommended for most users.

Dynamic Chunking#

This is the original chunking system in ActivitySim, where model components are chunked into pieces that are selected to be approximately optimal for targeting a particular memory usage threshold. The chunk size is determined by “training” the model so that it can estimate the memory usage to simulate each chooser handled in each component, and then running in “production” mode where the chunk size is set to keep the memory usage below the selected threshold, based on the results from the training.

To configure chunking behavior, ActivitySim must first be trained with the model setup and machine. To do so, first run the model with chunk_training_mode: training. This tracks the amount of memory used by each table by submodel and writes the results to a cache file that is then re-used for production runs. This training mode is significantly slower than production mode since it does a lot of memory inspection. For a training mode run, set num_processors to about 80% of the available logical processors and chunk_sizeto about 80% of the available RAM. This will run the model and create the chunk_cache.csv file in the cache directory for reuse. After creating the chunk cache file, the model can be run with chunk_training_mode: production and the desired num_processors and chunk_size. The model will read the chunk cache file from the cache folder, similar to how it reads cached skims if specified. The software trains on the size of problem so the cache file can be re-used and only needs to be updated due to significant revisions in input file or changes in machine specs. If run in production mode and no cache file is found then ActivitySim falls back to training mode.

For more detail on running with dynamic chunking, see Chunking.

Explicit Chunking#

This is a simpler system that allows the user to specify the number of choosers in each chunk explicitly, either as an integer number of choosers per chunk, or as a fraction of the overall number of choosers. Although the total amount of memory engaged for processing any particular chunk is ignored and there is no effort to find a “optimal” chunk size, this system is easier to use and understand than dynamic chunking, and in practice has been found to be more robust and reliable. It requires no “training” and is activated by setting the chunk_training_mode configuration setting to explicit.

This method for chunking does rely upon model developers to have identified the memory-hungry components and to have set reasonable explicit chunk sizes for them. See this notebook for an example of how to review component memory usage. Individual model components are configured to use chunking explicitly by setting the explicit_chunk configuration setting in the model component’s settings, when available. (Refer to each model component’s documentation for details on whether explicit chunking is available with that component.) The chunk setting can be set to an integer number of choosers to process in each chunk, or to a fractional value to make chunks approximately that fraction of the overall number of chooser (e.g. set to 0.25 to get four chunks).