School Escorting#

The school escort model determines whether children are dropped-off at or picked-up from school, simultaneously with the chaperone responsible for chauffeuring the children, which children are bundled together on half-tours, and the type of tour (pure escort versus rideshare). The model is run after work and school locations have been chosen for all household members, and after work and school tours have been generated and scheduled. The model labels household members of driving age as potential ‘chauffeurs’ and children with school tours as potential ‘escortees’. The model then attempts to match potential chauffeurs with potential escortees in a choice model whose alternatives consist of ‘bundles’ of escortees with a chauffeur for each half tour.

School escorting is a household level decision – each household will choose an alternative from the school_escorting_alts.csv file, with the first alternative being no escorting. This file contains the following columns:

Column Name

Column Description


Alternative number


bundle number for child 1,2, and 3


chauffeur number for child 1,2, and 3 - 0 = child not escorted - 1 = chauffeur 1 as ride share - 2 = chauffeur 1 as pure escort - 3 = chauffeur 2 as ride share - 4 = chauffeur 3 as pure escort


  • number of escorting bundles for chauffeur 1 and 2


  • total number of bundles

  • equals nbund1 + nbund2


  • number of ride share bundles for chauffeur 1


  • number of pure escort bundles for chauffeur 1


  • number of ride share bundles for chauffeur 2


  • number of pure escort bundles for chauffeur 2


  • text description of alternative

The model as currently implemented contains three escortees and two chauffeurs. Escortees are students under age 16 with a mandatory tour whereas chaperones are all persons in the household over the age of 18. For households that have more than three possible escortees, the three youngest children are selected for the model. The two chaperones are selected as the adults of the household with the highest weight according to the following calculation: Weight = 100*personType + 10*gender + 1*age(0,1) Where personType is the person type number from 1 to 5, gender is 1 for male and 2 for female, and age is a binary indicator equal to 1 if age is over 25 else 0.

The model is run sequentially three times, once in the outbound direction, once in the inbound direction, and again in the outbound direction with additional conditions on what happened in the inbound direction. There are therefore three sets of utility specifications, coefficients, and pre-processor files. Each of these files is specified in the school_escorting.yaml file along with the number of escortees and number of chaperones.

There is also a constants section in the school_escorting.yaml file which contain two constants. One which sets the maximum time bin difference to match school and work tours for ride sharing and another to set the number of minutes per time bin. In the prototype_mtc_extended example, these are set to 1 and 60 respectively.

After a school escorting alternative is chosen for the inbound and outbound direction, the model will create the tours and trips associated with the decision. Pure escort tours are created, and the mandatory tour start and end times are changed to match the school escort bundle start and end times. (Outbound tours have their start times matched and inbound tours have their end times matched.) Escortee drop-off / pick-up order is determined by the distance from home to the school locations. They are ordered from smallest to largest in the outbound direction, and largest to smallest in the inbound direction. Trips are created for each half-tour that includes school escorting according to the provided order.

The created pure escort tours are joined to the already created mandatory tour table in the pipeline and are also saved separately to the pipeline under the table name “school_escort_tours”. Created school escorting trips are saved to the pipeline under the table name “school_escort_trips”. By saving these to the pipeline, their data can be queried in downstream models to set correct purposes, destinations, and schedules to satisfy the school escorting model choice.

There are a host of downstream model changes that are involved when including the school escorting model. The following list contains the models that are changed in some way when school escorting is included:

File Name(s)

Change(s) Needed

  • non_mandatory_tour_scheduling_annotate_tours_preprocessor.csv

  • tour_scheduling_nonmandatory.csv

  • Set availability conditions based on those times

  • Do not schedule over other school escort tours

  • tour_mode_choice_annotate_choosers_preprocessor.csv

  • tour_mode_choice.csv

  • count number of escortees on tour by parsing the escort_participants column

  • set mode choice availability based on number of escortees

  • stop_frequency_school.csv

  • stop_frequency_work.csv

  • stop_frequency_univ.csv

  • stop_frequency_escort.csv

Do not allow stops for half-tours that include school escorting

  • trip_mode_choice_annotate_trips_preprocessor.csv

  • trip_mode_choice.csv

  • count number of escortees on trip by parsing the escort_participants column

  • set mode choice availability based on number of escortees

  • Joint tour scheduling: Joint tours are not allowed to be scheduled over school escort tours. This happens automatically by updating the timetable object with the updated mandatory tour times and created pure escort tour times after the school escorting model is run. There were no code or config changes in this model, but it is still affected by school escorting.

  • Non-Mandatory tour frequency: Pure school escort tours are joined to the tours created in the non-mandatory tour frequency model and tour statistics (such as tour_count and tour_num) are re-calculated.

  • Non-Mandatory tour destination: Since the primary destination of pure school escort tours is known, they are removed from the choosers table and have their destination set according to the destination in
    school_escort_tours table. They are also excluded from the estimation data bundle.

  • Non-Mandatory tour scheduling: Pure escort tours need to have the non-escorting portion of their tour scheduled. This is done by inserting availability conditions in the model specification that ensures the alternative chosen for the start of the tour is equal to the alternative start time for outbound tours and the end time is equal to the alternative end time for the inbound tours. There are additional terms that ensure the tour does not overlap with subsequent school escorting tours as well. Beware – If the availability conditions in the school escorting model are not set correctly, the tours created may not be consistent with each other and this model will fail.

  • Tour mode choice: Availability conditions are set in tour mode choice to prohibit the drive alone mode if the tour contains an escortee and the shared-ride 2 mode if the tour contains more than one escortee.

  • Stop Frequency: No stops are allowed on half-tours that include school escorting. This is enforced by adding availability conditions in the stop frequency model. After the stop frequency model is run, the school escorting trips are merged from the trips created by the stop frequency model and a new stop frequency is computed along with updated trip numbers.

  • Trip purpose, destination, and scheduling: Trip purpose, destination, and departure times are known for school escorting trips. As such they are removed from their respective chooser tables and the estimation data bundles, and set according to the values in the school_escort_trips table residing in the pipeline.

  • Trip mode choice: Like in tour mode choice, availability conditions are set to prohibit trip containing an escortee to use the drive alone mode or the shared-ride 2 mode for trips with more than one escortee.

Many of the changes discussed in the above list are handled in the code and the user is not required to make any changes when implementing the school escorting model. However, it is the users responsibility to include the changes in the following model configuration files for models downstream of the school escorting model:

When not including the school escorting model, all of the escort trips to and from school are counted implicitly in escort tours determined in the non-mandatory tour frequency model. Thus, when including the school escort model and accounting for these tours explicitly, extra care should be taken not to double count them in the non-mandatory tour frequency model. The non-mandatory tour frequency model should be re-evaluated and likely changed to decrease the number of escort tours generated by that model. This was not implemented in the prototype_mtc_extended implementation due to a lack of data surrounding the number of escort tours in the region.


settings activitysim.abm.models.school_escorting.SchoolEscortSettings#

Bases: BaseLogitComponentSettings

Settings for the telecommute_frequency component.

  • extra: str = forbid

  • update_sharrow_skip » all fields

field AGE_COLUMN: str = 'age'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field AGE_WEIGHT: float = 1.0#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field ALTS: Any [Required]#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field CHAPERONE_AGE_CUTOFF: int = 18#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field COEFFICIENTS: Path | None = None#

Coefficients filename.

This is a CSV file giving named parameters for use in the utility expression. If it is not provided, then it is assumed that all model coefficients are given explicitly in the SPEC as numerical values instead of named parameters. This is perfectly acceptable for use with ActivitySim for typical simulation applications, but may be problematic if used with “estimation mode”.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field CONSTANTS: dict[str, Any] = {}#

Named constants usable in the utility expressions.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field ESCORTEE_AGE_CUTOFF: int = 16#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field GENDER_COLUMN: str = 'sex'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field GENDER_WEIGHT: float = 10.0#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field INBOUND_COEFFICIENTS: str = 'school_escorting_coefficients_inbound.csv'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field INBOUND_SPEC: str = 'school_escorting_inbound.csv'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field LOGIT_TYPE: Literal['MNL'] = 'MNL'#

Logit model mathematical form.

  • “MNL”

    Multinomial logit model.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field NUM_CHAPERONES: int = 2#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field NUM_ESCORTEES: int = 3#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field OUTBOUND_COEFFICIENTS: str = 'school_escorting_coefficients_outbound.csv'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field OUTBOUND_COND_COEFFICIENTS: str = 'school_escorting_coefficients_outbound_cond.csv'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field OUTBOUND_COND_SPEC: str = 'school_escorting_outbound_cond.csv'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field OUTBOUND_SPEC: str = 'school_escorting_outbound.csv'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field PERSONTYPE_COLUMN: str = 'ptype'#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field PERSON_WEIGHT: float = 100.0#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field SIMULATE_CHOOSER_COLUMNS: list[str] | None = None#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field SPEC: None = None#

The school escort model does not use this setting.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field compute_settings: ComputeSettings = ComputeSettings(sharrow_skip=False, fastmath=True, use_bottleneck=None, use_numexpr=None, use_numba=None, drop_unused_columns=True, protect_columns=[])#

Sharrow settings for this component.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field explicit_chunk: float = 0#

If > 0, use this chunk size instead of adaptive chunking. If less than 1, use this fraction of the total number of rows.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field no_escorting_alterative: int = 1#

The alternative number for no escorting. Used to set the choice for households with no escortees.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field preprocessor: PreprocessorSettings | None = None#

Setting for the preprocessor.

Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field preprocessor_inbound: PreprocessorSettings | None = None#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field preprocessor_outbound: PreprocessorSettings | None = None#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

field preprocessor_outbound_cond: PreprocessorSettings | None = None#
Validated by:
  • update_sharrow_skip

validator update_sharrow_skip  »  all fields#



activitysim.abm.models.school_escorting.school_escorting(state: State, households: DataFrame, households_merged: DataFrame, persons: DataFrame, tours: DataFrame, model_settings: SchoolEscortSettings | None = None, model_settings_file_name: str = 'school_escorting.yaml', trace_label: str = 'school_escorting_simulate') None#

school escorting model

The school escorting model determines whether children are dropped-off at or picked-up from school, simultaneously with the driver responsible for chauffeuring the children, which children are bundled together on half-tours, and the type of tour (pure escort versus rideshare).

Run iteratively for an outbound choice, an inbound choice, and an outbound choice conditional on the inbound choice. The choices for inbound and outbound conditional are used to create school escort tours and trips.

Updates / adds the following tables to the pipeline:

- households with school escorting choice
- tours including pure school escorting
- school_escort_tours which contains only pure school escort tours
- school_escort_trips
- timetable to avoid joint tours scheduled over school escort tours