Command Line Tools#

activitysim run#

Run the models. Specify a project folder using the ‘–working_dir’ option, or point to the config, data, and output folders directly with ‘–config’, ‘–data’, and ‘–output’. Both ‘–config’ and ‘–data’ can be specified multiple times. Directories listed first take precedence.


int: sys.exit exit code

usage: activitysim run [-h] [-w PATH] [-c PATH] [-o PATH] [-d PATH]
                       [-r STEPNAME] [-p FILE] [-s FILE] [-g BYTES]
                       [--chunk_training_mode CHUNK_TRAINING_MODE]
                       [--households_sample_size N] [--fast] [-e PATH]
                       [-m [N]]

Named Arguments#

-w, --working_dir

path to example/project directory (default: /home/runner/work/activitysim/activitysim/docs)

-c, --config

path to config dir

-o, --output

path to output dir

-d, --data

path to data dir

-r, --resume

resume after step

-p, --pipeline

pipeline file name

-s, --settings_file

settings file name

-g, --chunk_size

chunk size


chunk training mode, one of [training, adaptive, production, disabled]


households sample size


Do not limit process to one thread. Can make single process runs faster, but will cause thrashing on MP runs.

Default: False

-e, --ext

Package of extension modules to load. Use of this option is not generally secure.

-m, --multiprocess

run multiprocess. Adds configs_mp settings by default. Optionally give a number of processes, which will override the settings file.

Default: False

activitysim create#

Create a new ActivitySim configuration from an existing template.

Use the -l flag to view a list of example configurations, then copy to your own working directory. These new project files can be run with the ‘run’ command.

usage: activitysim create [-h] (-l | -e PATH) [-d PATH] [--link]

Named Arguments#

-l, --list

list available example directories and exit

Default: False

-e, --example

example directory to copy

-d, --destination

Path to new project directory. If this directory already exists, the newly created example will be copied to a subdirectory within the existing directory, and named according to the example name. Otherwise, a new directory is created with this name and the newly created example will be copied directly into it.


cache and reuse downloaded files via symlinking

Default: False