Using Sharrow#

This page will walk through an exercise of running a model with sharrow.

How it Works#

Sharrow accelerates ActivitySim in part by using numba to create optimized and pre-compiled versions of utility specification files, and caching those bits of code to disk.


Running the compiler needs to be done in single-process mode, otherwise the various process all do the compiling and compete to write to the same cache location on disk, which is likely to fail. You can safely run in multiprocessing mode after all the compilation for all model components is complete.

Model Design Requirements#

Activating the sharrow optimizations also requires using the new SkimDataset interface for skims instead of the legacy SkimDict, and internally recoding zones into a zero-based contiguous indexing scheme.

Zero-based Recoding of Zones#

Using sharrow requires recoding zone id’s to be zero-based contiguous index values, at least for internal usage. This recoding needs to be written into the input table list explicitly. For example, the following snippet of a settings.yaml settings file shows the process of recoding zone ids in the input files.

  - tablename: land_use
    filename: land_use.csv
    index_col: zone_id
      zone_id: zero-based
  - tablename: households
    filename: households.csv
    index_col: household_id
      home_zone_id: land_use.zone_id

For the land_use table, the zone_id field is marked for recoding explicitly as zero-based, which will turn whatever nominal id’s appear in that column into zero-based index values, as well as store a mapping of the original values that is used to recode and decode zone id’s when used elsewhere.

The first “elsewhere” recoding is in the households input table, where we will map the home_zone_id to the new zone id’s by pointing the recoding instruction at the land_use.zone_id field. If zone id’s appear in other input files, they need to be recoded in those fields as well, using the same process.

The other places where we need to handle zone id’s is in output files. The following snippet of a settings.yaml settings file shows how those id’s are decoded in various output files. Generally, for columns that are fully populated with zone id’s (e.g. tour and trip ends) we can apply the decode_columns settings to reverse the mapping and restore the nominal zone id’s globally for the entire column of data. For columns where there is some missing data flagged by negative values, the “nonnegative” filter is prepended to the instruction.

  action: include
    - tablename: land_use
        zone_id: land_use.zone_id
    - tablename: households
        home_zone_id: land_use.zone_id
    - tablename: persons
        home_zone_id: land_use.zone_id
        school_zone_id: nonnegative | land_use.zone_id
        workplace_zone_id: nonnegative | land_use.zone_id
    - tablename: tours
        origin: land_use.zone_id
        destination: land_use.zone_id
    - tablename: trips
        origin: land_use.zone_id
        destination: land_use.zone_id

Measuring Performance#

Testing with sharrow requires two steps: test mode and production mode.

In test mode, the code is run to compile all the spec files and ascertain whether the functions are working correctly. Test mode is expected to be slow, potentially much slower than older versions of ActivitySim, especially for models with small populations and zone systems, as the compile time is a function of the complexity of the utility functions and not a function of the number of households or zones. Once the compile and test is complete, production mode can then just run the pre-compiled functions with sharrow, which is much faster.

It is possible to run test mode and production mode independently using the existing activitysim run command line tool, pointing that tool to the test and production configurations directories as appropriate.

To generate a meaningful measure of performance enhancement, it is necessary to compare the runtimes in production mode against equivalent runtimes with sharrow disabled. This is facilitated by the activitysim workflow command line tool, which permits the use of pre-made batches of activitysim runs, as well as automatic report generation from the results. For more details on the use of this tool, see workflows.

Sharrow Compatability and Limitations#

In general, utility specification files contain a sequence of :ref:expressions that are evaluated for each row in a main DataFrame. In legacy ActivitySim, there are two fundamental evaluation modes:

  • pandas.DataFrame.eval, which is the default, and

  • plain Python eval, which is used when the expression is prefixed with an @ symbol.

Under the pandas.DataFrame.eval mode, expressions are evaluated within the context of the current main dataframe only. References can be made to other columns in that dataframe directly, i.e. if the dataframe contains a column named “income”, the expression can reference that value as “income”. However, the expression can only reference other values that are stored in the current row of the dataframe. The available syntax for these expressions is a subset of regular python, see the supported syntax section of the pandas documentation for details.

Under the plain eval mode, expressions are evaluated within a broader context that potentially includes other variables (which other variables is component dependent) and constants defined in the model settings file. References to columns in the main dataframe must be made indirectly via attribution, i.e. if the dataframe contains a column named “income”, the expression needs to reference that value as “df.income”. Typically, references to skims, time tables, and anything else that isn’t the simple original dataframe use this mode. While it is sometimes not as fast as pandas.DataFrame.eval, this mode is far more flexible, as you can write basically any valid Python expression, including calling other functions, accessing or manipulating table metadata, indexes, or adjacent rows, etc.

Within sharrow, the distinction between these two modes is ignored, as sharrow uses a completely different evaluation system routed through numba. The @ prefix does not need to be stripped or added anywhere, it is simply ignored. The expression can reference other columns of the main dataframe directly or indirectly, so that either “income” or “df.income” is a valid reference to that column in the main dataframe. You can also reference other variables, including skims as usual for each component and constants defined in in the model settings file. Within scheduling models, references can also be made to the timetable as “tt”, accessing that interfaces methods to compute presence and length of adjacent and available time windows. However, you cannot write arbitrary Python code. External functions are not allowed unless they have already been compiled with numba’s njit wrapper. Typically, unless specifically constructed to be allowed for a model component, cross-referencing, merging or reindexing against tables other than the main dataframe is not allowed. Such customizations will generally require a custom extension.

Sharrow only runs for utility specification files. ActivitySim also features the ability to apply pre-processors and post-processors to annotate tables, which use specification files that look very similar to utility specifications. These functions do not run through sharrow, and are a great place to relocate expressions that need to run arbitrary code or join data from other tables.

Temporary Variables#

Temporary variables can be created from @ mode expressions by adding a variable name beginning with an underscore before the @, e.g. _stops_on_leg@df.trip_count-1.

In legacy mode, temporary variables are useful but they can consume substantial memory, as the variable is computed and stored for every row in the entire dataframe before it can be used in other expressions. In sharrow, temporary variables are allocated, used, and freed for each row separately, so no extra memory is required.

Switchable Expressions#

As a general rule, it is best to write each utility expression in a manner that is cross-compatible between sharrow and legacy evaluation modes, even if that means transitioning a few expressions or parts of expressions into preprocessors.

However, sometimes this is not possible or makes writing the expressions excessively complex. In this case, it is possible to write a toggling expression, where the individual expression evaluated is different for sharrow and legacy modes. The special comment string # sharrow: splits the expression, with everything before this comment evaluated under the legacy process, and everything after evaluated only when sharrow is enabled.

An example of a switching expression is found in the trip destination utilities found in several examples:

`@np.log1p(size_terms.get(df.alt_dest, df.purpose)) # sharrow: np.log1p(size_terms['sizearray'])`

Here, size_terms is a DataFrameMatrix class instance, a special class written into ActivitySim to facilitate reading from a DataFrame as it it were a 2-d array. As it is a special purpose class written in Python, the numba compiler cannot handle it directly. Fortunately, sharrow provides an alternative: passing the size terms as a xarray DataArray. This has a slightly different interface, so the sharrow and legacy evaluation modes require different expressions. The switching expression is used to handle the DataFrameMatrix on the left (before “# sharrow:”) and the DataArray on the right.

Performance Considerations#

Sharrow is usually expected to bring significant performance gains to ActivitySim. However, the numba engine beneath sharrow has a few known performance limitations, most notably when using strings. To enhance performance, it is best to limit the number of string operations, including simple equality checks (e.g. df.tour_purpose == 'work'). Ideally, such string operations won’t appear in utility specifications at all, or if they do appear, they are executed only once and stored in a temporary value for re-use as needed.

For models with utility expressions that include a lot of string comparisons, (e.g. because they are built for the legacy pandas.eval interpreter and have not been updated) sharrow can be disabled by setting sharrow_skip: true in the component’s configuration yaml file.

Limited Tracing and Estimation Mode Capabilities#

When running sharrow-optimized code, large parts of certain calculations are routed through numba to enhance speed and reduce memory footprint. Many intermediate arrays are not created, or are allocated and released by numba in a manner not visible to the general Python interpreter. As a result, in many places the “trace” capabilities of ActivitySim are limited. These capabilities output intermediate calculations in extreme detail and are typically only used in debugging and model development, not in production model runs that need to be optimized for speed. Tracing features can be re-enabled by switching sharrow off or by using “test” mode, which runs both sharrow and legacy evaluations together to confirm they are substantially identical. In this fashion, detailed tracing (albeit slow) remains available for users on all models when needed.

Similar constraints apply to estimation mode, as complete estimation mode output capabilities are not yet integrated with the sharrow engine. Estimation mode remains fully available when running with sharrow disabled.

Digital Encoding#

Sharrow is compatible with and able to efficiently use digital encoding. These encodings are applied to data either prospectively (i.e. before ActivitySim ever sees the skim data), or dynamically within a run using the or taz_skims.zarr-digital-encoding settings in the network_los.yaml settings file. The only difference between these two settings is that the former applies this digital encoding internally every time you run the model, while the latter applies it prior to caching encoded skims to disk in Zarr format (and then reuses those values without re-encoding on subsequent runs with the same data). Dictionary encoding (especially joint dictionary encodings) can take a long time to prepare, so caching the values can be useful. As read/write speeds for zarr files are fast, you usually won’t notice a meaningful performance degradation when caching, so the default is generally to use zarr-digital-encoding.

Very often, data can be expressed adequately with far less memory than is needed to store a standard 32-bit floating point representation. There are two simple ways to reduce the memory footprint for data: fixed point encoding, or dictionary encoding.

Fixed Point Encoding#

In fixed point encoding, which is also sometimes called scaled integers, data is multiplied by some factor, then rounded to the nearest integer. The integer is stored in memory instead of a floating point value, but the original value can be (approximately) restored by reversing the process. An offset factor can also be applied, so that the domain of values does not need to start at zero.

For example, instead of storing matrix table values as 32-bit floating point values, they could be multiplied by a scale factor (e.g., 100) and then converted to 16-bit integers. This uses half the RAM and can still express any value (to two decimal point precision) up to positive or negative 327.68. If the lowest values in that range are never needed, it can also be shifted, moving both the bottom and top limits by a fixed amount. Then, for a particular scale $\mu$ and shift $\xi$ (stored in metadata), from any array element $i$ the implied (original) value $x$ can quickly be recovered by evaluating $(i / \mu) - \xi$.

Fixed point digital encoding can be applied to matrix tables in the skims using options in the network_los.yaml settings file. Making transformations currently also requires shifting the data from OMX to ZARR file formats; future versions of ActivitySim may accept digitally encoded data directly from external sources.

To apply the default 16-bit encoding to individual named skim variables in the TAZ skims, just give their names under the zarr-digital-encoding setting like this:

    omx: skims.omx
    zarr: skims.zarr
        - name: SOV_TIME
        - name: HOV2_TIME

If some variables can use less RAM and still be represented adequately with only 8-bit integers, you can specify the bitwidth as well:

    omx: skims.omx
    zarr: skims.zarr
        - name: SOV_TIME
        - name: HOV2_TIME
        - name: SOV_TOLL
          bitwidth: 8
        - name: HOV2_TOLL
          bitwidth: 8

If groups of similarly named variables should have the same encoding applied, they can be identifed by regular expressions (“regex”) instead of explicitly giving each name. For example:

    omx: skims.omx
    zarr: skims.zarr
        - regex: .*_TIME
        - regex: .*_TOLL
          bitwidth: 8

Dictionary Encoding#

For dictionary encoding, a limited number of unique values are stored in a lookup array, and then each encoded value is stored as the position of the value (or its closest approximation) in the lookup array. If there are fewer than 256 unique values, this can allow the storage of those values to any level of precision (even float64 if needed) while using only a single byte per array element, plus a small fixed amount of overhead for the dictionary itself. The overhead memory doesn’t scale with the dimensions of the array, so this works particularly well for models with thousands of zones.

Dictionary encoding can be applied to a single variable in a similar fashion as fixed point encoding, giving the dictionary bit width in the by_dict setting, or as an additional setting value.

    omx: skims.omx
    zarr: skims.zarr
        - name: TRANSIT_FARE
          by_dict: 8
        - name: TRANSIT_XFERS
          by_dict: true
          bitwidth: 8

The most dramatic memory savings can be found when the categorical correlation (also known as Cramér’s V) between multiple variables is high. In this case, we can encode more than one matrix table using the same dictionary lookup indexes. There may be some duplication in the lookup table, (e.g. if FARE and XFER are joint encoded, and if a FARE of 2.25 can be matched with either 0 or 1 XFER, the 2.25 would appear twice in the lookup array for FARE, once for each value of XFER.)

Since it is the lookup indexes that scale with the number of zones and consume most of the memory for large zone systems, putting multiple variables together into one set of indexes can save a ton of memory, so long as the overhead of the lookup array does not combinatorially explode (hence the need for categorical correlation).

Practical testing for large zone systems suggest this method of encoding can reduce the footprint of some low variance data tables (especially transit data) by 95% or more.

Applying joint dictionary encoding requires more than one variable name, so only the regex form works here. Use wildcards to match on name patterns, or select a few specific names by joining them with the pipe operator (|).

    omx: skims.omx
    zarr: skims.zarr
        - regex: .*_FARE|.*_WAIT|.*_XFERS
          joint_dict: true
          joint_dict: true

For more details on all the settings available for digital encoding, see DigitalEncoding.